Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's on offer?

If you are like me and you write children's or young adult's stories for pleasure, and would like to develop your writing further, then perhaps a writer's group and/or book club is just want you're looking for.

This is an invitation to people in the Byron Shire who would like to join fellow children and young adult writers and readers on a regular basis to develop your craftt.

Below is an outline of the opportunities on offer.

Children's and Young Adult Writers' Group

The writer's group is for people who either have already or are working on developing a substantial piece of writing suitable for the children and young adult genre. We want the time we spend together to be focussed on giving and receiving feedback and some short writing activities.

The writer's group will contain no more than 6 people. The reason for this is that we feel it's important to really get to know each other's work and to help each other develop their craft.

Hosting of the workshop will be shared by members of the writing group. We would like each workshop to be informal where writing and workshopping mix with socialising, eating and drinking, if you so desire.  Each host will be responsible for the preparations for the evening for the group.

Although the evenings we meet will be relaxed, there will be a little bit of preparation we would like you to do in advance. Each week 3 writer's work would have been read and evaluated in advance by the members of the group. If you can keep the writing piece you would like workshopped to under 1000 words that would be great. Each writer's work will be discussed at the meeting.

See below for more details.


First Tuesday of the month
Begins Tuesday June 5, 2012, followed by Tues July 3


First workshop will be held at my home in Brunswick Heads.
The next host and venue will be decided at the first meeting.


6:30 - 8:30


Shelley McNamara
Mobile: 0400110383
Email: shelleymcnamara@hotmail.com

Children's and Young Adult Book Club

This is for people who are in touch with their childlike wonder about the world and enjoy reading children's and young adult's fiction.

This is an invitation to people in the Byron Shire who would like to join fellow readers on a regular basis to broaden their experience with books.

Each book club we meet at a member's place, who will host the evening. The intention is for the evening to be relaxed, where reading and discussing books mix with socialising, eating and drinking if that takes your fancy.

The book to be read for the first meeting is Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

See below for more details.


Second Thursday of the month
Begins Thurs June 14, 2012, followed by Thurs July 12


First workshop will be held at my home in Brunswick Heads.
The next host and venue will be decided at the first meeting.


6:30 - 8:30pm


Shelley McNamara
Mobile: 0400110383
Email: shelleymcnamara@hotmail.com